The 52nd Gathering of Aladdin Knights will be held July 20th through July 27th, 2025 in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Gathering activities will be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Conference Center. 573-635-1234
Jefferson City is a vibrant city with small town appeal, situated along the banks of the Missouri River.
Many great restaurants, historic sites, antique shops, thrift stores and shopping malls are located in and around Jefferson City. Plan to come early and enjoy friends, old and new, and the beautiful places in Jefferson City.
The General Knights, Bonnie Durk and Brenda Broxton, have an action packed week planned for you all.
Monday afternoon we will take a trolley to Central Dairy for ice cream. A ticket is required and may be purchased on your registration form.
Tuesday we will head out early for a two part tour of the historic
Missouri State Penitentiary and the State Capitol Building.
This tour will be amazing and packed full of rich history.
Note: Penitentiary Tour is not ADA accessible.
Between the penitentiary tour and Capitol tour we will head over to Prison Brews for lunch. After lunch as we work our way back to the hotel we will stop at the State Capitol Building for a guided tour.
Wednesday evening is the auction preview.
Following the auction preview we will host a trivia night in the atrium; get your teams ready!
Thursday morning is the all Aladdin Auction and Thursday evening is the first banquet and unveiling of the quilts.
Friday and Saturday the Lamp Show opens, the Display Room Opens, and seminars. Friday evening the Rushlight Group will have their banquet and Saturday evening we auction the quilt and draw for the raffle quilt at our closing banquet. Throughout the week you will be able to purchase raffle tickets for your chance to win one of our many great prizes or take a break and visit with friends in the hospitality room.

General Knights:
Bonnie Durk – 573-696-3619
Brenda Broxton – 573-489-7458

Missouri State Capitol